On a direct axis to the arabian gulf; the mosque’s central location instantly inspires a visual dialogue between the pristine waterfront and the vibrant heart of tharwa town.


The unavoidable symmetry along the urban vista, manifests the location of the main prayer within the mosque’s complex, and naturally establishes the rightful place for afama hq to its side.

The rotation towards qibla, on the other hand, delivers the flavor to the composition, visually realized as an imprinted reflecting pool which organizes the overall complex and enforces a public domain to relief surrounding urban density. This pedestrianized public domain is enlarged to promote the complex frontage, and better organize the masterplan’s parking zones.

Distinguished by its modest scale; the mosque volume floats above the reflecting pool and creates an intimate shaded area for the outdoor prayer. While all other program components including the minaret are introduced as landscape extrusions with subtle materiality and minimalist surfaces complementing the mosque’s volume. Branding the entrance and mihrab facades with the most familiar mosque element; the dome is carved out from the floating volume as well as the interior prayer space.

The minaret is utilized as a wind catcher to intake natural fresh air high above streets pollution. The fresh air is then channeled towards the mechanical units for cooling and supply at human height level. Once return air passes onto energy transfer units; the extract cool air is directed to the outdoor prayer area to freely tamper the zone.

The form and functionality of the complex are both a modern descendant of the khaliji architectural heritage, native to saudi arabia’s eastern province and khobar.

The multiple design components strictly adhere to introverted courtyards as an entry method, in order to maintain plain architectural surfaces across the complex.


The water presence is extended along the dense urban fabric, to accentuate the vista towards the juma’ mosque, and to help define it as the crown jewel of the town.


The sleek white mass of the mosque, offset the warm interior and dome materiality, that is inspired by arabian gulf culture and heritage wooden ships.

Utilizing this rich heritage; the architectural composition delivers a sustainable complex, grounded in its context, addressing strategies of shading, ventilation, privacy, and spatial hierarchy in general, as well as mosque planning sensitivity in particular.


The interior of the prayer hall is created through morphing the perimeter of the square mass, with a semi spherical dome, arching 12m at its internal center. The column free space under the dome accommodates for uninterrupted prayer lines and allows natural daylight to play a vital role in the orientation towards qibla.


The dome internal soffit is seamlessly decorated with islamic patterns and arabic calligraphy featuring the names of allah along its perimeter. The interplay of outdoor natural elements with internal architectural finishes, provides a space that celebrates prayer gatherings and calm personal contemplation alike.


The ladies journey into the mosque forges an axis into the complex geometry and Introduces materiality that distinguishes their spatial experience.


Surrounded by natural elements; the ladies’ courtyard creates an intimate gathering area and a unique outdoor ablution experience.


The mezzanine prayer is nestled between the mosque’s volume and the internal dome, utilizing a segment of its surface as a veil to look into the main prayer in privacy.