Project Brief 
The building is an innovative display of the Ministry’s work and aspirations in the provision of essential water and energy services within the harsh desert environment of Saudi Arabia.  The world-class exhibition takes visitors across the arrow of time, and provides examples on best practices in terms of sustainable energy and water usage.

The building itself is a part of the exhibition.  It was designed to be a demonstration of innovative suitable building design ideas in line with principles of the Ministry.

The building form is composed of three 2 level linear exhibition halls.  A circulation and service spine houses the atrium space, edutainment centre, multipurpose space, administration, and services. The exhibition halls are oriented to minimize afternoon heat loading whilst providing flexible space for a linear arrangement to the routing of the exhibition. The exhibition halls are separated with linear landscaped spaces proving an extra natural dimension to the exhibition.

Photovoltaics and solar thermal panels populate the roof and provide energy for the building.  The power roof also serves as a testing area (as part of the exhibit), as well as providing shading to the building to reduce solar gain.

Drawing on historical influences, the building makes an adaptive play on the wind tower by reflecting the vertical elements and adapting the form to accommodate wind turbines at either end of the building in line with the prevailing winds.