At Al Mamlaka in the Kingdom Center – Riyadh’s tallest building during the 2000s; lies a 41,000 m2 3-level state-of-the-art retail center. Omrania & Associates worked in close cooperation with the Los Angeles based firm Altoon & Partners to develop this masterpiece.
The retail complex is organized around a central atrium where natural light streams through clerestory windows. Ceiling screens of the perforated metal and sandblasted glass suspended from trusses to filter the harsh sun light and create super-scaled patterned surfaces befitting the grand hall. Three-story kiosks unify the design vertically while long bridges connect the floors horizontally integrating the retail podium into the larger development as they provide access to adjacent offices, banks, the conference center and hotel.
The respect for Islamic culture shaped the design of the three-story retail center. While the first level is designed to appeal to young people and leisure market and the second level caters to fashion and home furnishings, the third level is reserved for women only. The design integrates the concept of the veil worn by women in Saudi Arabia into the interiors of the mall to create a private bazaar within a bazaar for women shoppers. This exclusive, intimate environment with its own spa, business center and dining setting is conducive to an unrestricted shopping experience.

Kingdom Shopping Centre – Photo © Ali Al Mubarak / Arriyadh Development Authority