Students, professors, and members of the public came together for the presentation of the 2018 Omrania | CSBE Student Award, the eleventh cycle of the program.
Over 200 student projects were submitted from 40 universities in 11 countries in the Arab world. Award jury members Elias Anastas, Sahel Al Hiyari, and Ammar Khamash met in Amman to evaluate the entries and select the winners on September 23 and 24, 2018. They identified one first-place winner, to receive USD 8,000 in prize money, and two honorable mention projects, to receive USD 1,000 each.
This Award cycle culminated in a public ceremony held on the evening of November 26, 2018 at the Ras Al Ein Gallery/Hangar in Amman. The program included welcoming remarks, a report from the Award jury, short presentations by the recipients about their projects, and a presentation of Award certificates to the recipients and their instructors. The ceremony was followed by a reception and exhibition viewing in the large gallery space. The exhibition, which remained open to the public on the following day, featured the submissions for this Award cycle and the winning projects from all past cycles.
The three projects to receive Award honors are:
Winning Project
Relocation and Urban Reconciliation: The Case of the Three Gournas in Egypt
By: Maria Bassil
Instructor: Elias Osko
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
Honorable Mention Projects
(in alphabetical order)
185 En-Counters in Karm EI-Zeitoun
By: Mohamad Nahleh
Instructor: Rana Haddad
American University of Beirut
Tyr, the Mosaic City
By: Catherine Tony el Skaff
Instructor: Alphonse G Kai
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
Omrania congratulates these students and professors on their achievements thus far, and we look forward to their contributions to architecture in the years to come.